Wednesday, January 4, 2017

San Telmo Food and Wine

Or maybe I should say Wine and Wine tour.  Yikes!

We had a nice leisurely morning today.  Breakfast at the hotel was terrific, and we weren't being picked up until noon.

Jorge picked us up at our hotel lobby right on the dot and drove us back to the San Telmo area for a food tour.

In San Telmo is a silversmith shop.  This particular guy who owns the shop created a silver rose like this one which is buried with Princess Diana.  He is apparently world renowned.  No, we didn't buy anything here.  Beautiful stuff though.

Our first stop was a boutique wine shop.  Here's our guide, Jorge, at the counter.

OMG, 5...count 'em...5 glasses of wine tasting later!  Well, they were small.  They had bread, cheese, meats, and olives as well.  Very nice.  All the wines were from the Mendoza region of Argentina, well-known for their Malbecs.

This is absolutely true.

After the wine boutique where we bought a bottle (can't take any on the ship), we went to a grill that was very Argentinian and unique.  We had a nice lunch there with MORE WINE.  They have all kinds of signatures on the ceiling and walls.

They had newly painted one section of wall, so there's ours.  First ones on the wall.

Then we had coffee in the square where there were dancers doing the Tango.  Lovely.

By this point, we were ready for a nap.  This was Jorge, leaving us.  Terrific food tour.

The rest of the day was spent vegging in our room and then having our bottle of wine on our patio before we went out for a light dinner.  We had great plans to do a steak dinner tonight, but realistically, we couldn't have eaten that after the lunch we had.  So we didn't even try.  We were more interested in the Canada Junior Hockey game.  Unfortunately there was nowhere to get the game on TV.  All by internet.

And yes, in case you're wondering, the above picture shows my arm in a sling.  It's all good now, but I was oh so close to not coming on this trip.  The arm is fine, although I do have a lateral fracture, and a piece that's kind of crushed.  Darn ice.  It was the useless arm anyway.


  1. Take care of that useless arm. Hope it isn't causing you pain.

    1. It's OK. I've been wearing the brace, but more just for support during the day and to remind myself not to use it too much. I can't lift anything heavy for a month - but that's OK.
