Saturday, January 21, 2017

Off the Ship

Our sea voyage is done.  This morning we got off the ship and we were met by our driver/tour guide for the day, Luis.  He drove us around Valparaiso.  Although the downtown area is fairly flat at the pier, everyone lives on the hill.  And quite the hill it is.  The murals/graffiti are amazing.  And they are everywhere.  Here's one example.

From Valparaiso, he drove us to our first winery in the Casablanca region where we had a very informative tour, and a wine tasting.  Look who's picture was in front of the winery!

Beautiful winery and they like to produce wines in a unique, old-fashioned way.  Some pinot grigio grapes.

Love this sign.

Next we drove to......WHAT?  Where are we?

Hmmm.  That threw us for a bit of a loop.

We did another wine tasting at Casona Vermonte.  We also had lunch here.  Wow.  This building is huge!  I've never seen a winery quite like it.  We have some nice ones at home, but this is crazy.  Our orchestra could set up in the lobby very easily.  In fact, 4 of our orchestras could set up in the lobby very easily.  This is a ginormous wine press in front of the lobby.

Well, I do kinda like gin 'n tonic too.  They sold this (we didn't buy any).

The Chilean flag outside the winery.

We were going to go to another winery, but they wouldn't allow us a tasting without doing a 1-1/2 hour tour.  No thanks.  We weren't interested, so our guide took us to our hotel in Santiago.  The drive is about 130 km straight from the pier in Valparaiso to Santiago.

I was taking this photo out of the side of the car, and I was too fast, but then again, not fast enough to get 2.  The baby was behind.  They were at the side of the road.

The Aubrey Hotel, Santiago.  This is one awesome place to be spending our last 2-1/2 days in South America.  After more or less unpacking, we changed into our bathing suits and spent the next couple of hours by the pool.  Beautiful.

And I was taught by the bartender how to make Pisco Sour.  (Actually, the bartender could teach me anything :)

Very simple.  I'll have to see if I can find Pisco at home (grape liqueur).

We went out to find a casual place to have some dinner around 8 pm.  The area we're staying in is sort of Bohemian, and there are tons of restaurants nearby.  As we're walking down the street, and later as we're having dinner, these short parades go by.  Fun place to be.

By the way, I'm still "rocking".  Whenever I sit or stand still, I feel like I'm on the ship.  I'll get over it soon.

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