Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Last Day in Santiago AND South America

This is it.  Another wonderful trip comes to a close.  We had a nice relaxing morning while we packed, had breakfast, etc.  We had to be out of our room by noon, which was very civilized.

Gerard and I went out for a bit of a walk.  We crossed the river, which looks like this.  Filled with silt and mud.  This is snow-melt from the Andes, but it picks up an awful lot of dirt on the way down.  This diminishes to a trickle eventually.

Once we were finished packing, we took our bags down to the lobby for them to keep it, then went up by the pool for a while.  We just read a bit then decided to go up the funicular to the top of San Cristobal.  As we were heading over there (right around the corner), we ran into Dan & Joanne who had been standing in line for a while, and not moving.  So we said, "to heck with it", and went off to find a beer and a bite.

We didn't want to eat too much since we had a food tour this afternoon, which would take us up to the time we had to catch a cab to the airport.

Here are a couple of more dogs that run around everywhere.  It's like people just let them outside, and they fend for themselves.  So they're everywhere on the streets.  The good news is, people feed them. We really didn't see any starving dogs, in fact, just the opposite.  And they're all friendly, which means they don't seem to be abused at all, and apparently they're not.  They lie across the sidewalk, and people go around them.  Kinda funny.

And here's a dog house someone has built for the dogs.  You see these in different spots all over the city.

Some more mural art.

So we started our food tour with FoodyChile - Colin was our guide - a young man from Iowa originally.  We started out with that drink I talked about yesterday.  It was better this time - not quite as sweet.  Then we had this - called Chorrillana.  That's fries, roast beef, and fried eggs.  Yummy.

We walked by some young people practicing drums, as in a marching band, or something.

We had some very unique ice cream at a specialty shop.  Then we went for some local wines at a restaurant and had some unique Chilean tapas-type food.  The restaurant had these figures on an upper wall - looked like they were climbing in windows.

Our hotel had arranged with Colin to have a taxi go to the hotel and pick up our bags, then meet us where our food tour ended to pick us up.  Colin communicated with both the hotel and the taxi, and got us to where we needed to be.  We counted our bags - yep, all there, and we then headed to the airport.

Our Air Canada flight came in from Buenos Aires.  We loaded it up, and took off for Toronto around 9:30 pm their time, touching down in Toronto at 5:40 am, EST.  Probably the same plane we went down on.

Wow, coming back through customs as a Canadian is getting easier and easier.  You use the automatic kiosks.  Then there were virtually no line-ups (could have been the time), and we didn't have to be grilled by anyone, just a couple of customs agents standing at the end before we left to get our checked bags that just looked at our passports and said "bye bye".  No questions...nothing.

We were home about 7:45 am.

A wonderful trip, going to places I would never have gone if I hadn't been on a cruise ship.  But the cities of Buenos Aires and Santiago (especially Santiago) were terrific!


1 comment:

  1. Welcome home! I really enjoyed your blog. Another fantastic trip.
